Termicide’s comprehensive annual warranty program offers full peace of mind for our customers that their Termicide Termite Management System is working for them.
No matter what type of pest issue you are experiencing, our trained and experienced pest management technicians will be able to find the best solution for you.
Whether you are in the market for a new home, or looking to sell your current one – the team at Termicide can give you the peace of mind you need with our Pre-Purchase Pest Inspections.
Termicide offers full termite inspection and treatment services, including a variety of termite management system solutions to suit your needs for both Pre and Post Construction work.
Properties with an Termicide installed Termite Management System are able to be part of our comprehensive annual warranty program. This warranty is renewable on an annual basis, dependent on terms and conditions, and offers full peace of mind for our customers that their Termicide Termite Management System is working for them. For more information on our warranty program, contact our friendly office staff here.
Termicide Pest Control has over 20 years of experience in helping to manage all kinds of pests – whether you have a pesky rodent issue, or just the odd spider that is bugging you – our fully trained and experienced pest management technicians can help you out.
Buying a new home? Take the guess work out of things by having Termicide complete a comprehensive Pre Purchase Timber Pest Inspection for you.
Termicide Pest Control can help you with your termite management needs – no matter what kind of service you require. Our Pre Construction department offers protection for new building work, and our Post Construction department covers full termite inspection and treatment services. Our friendly staff are more than happy to help you today!